Ready, Set, Scream!

My Georgia Peach loves to scream. Happy, frustrated, sad, excited doesn’t matter she will scream sometime during the day. Today, she was screaming (as usual) but, this time when I asked her why she was screaming she simply responded, “I needed to.”

Say what, toddler?

I am not one to complain about my life. I know I am blessed. Every single day I am able to share with my Husband and our daughter, I am thankful. They gave me life. So, when she said she needed to scream I thought, my sweet baby girl…

I think I do too!


I need to scream…

for my Mom who loves me near and far, for my feisty and very handsome Papaw who defies medical logic and does things his way, for my Step Mother who is regaining her strength from her victorious fight with breast cancer and for my Father who is by her side every single second, for The Coach and his devotion to our family in good times and better times.

Mostly, I need to scream for myself so, I screamed with GP today.

We went to our backyard and ran around screaming our heads off :-). GP thought it has hilarious and I thought, it was needed.

Now, we get back to the business of life.

Time is up!

PS-Obviously, I edited a little, I added an image. Sorry I’m not sorry. 🙂

Photo Credit

When Did We Get That?

My response to the Daily Prompt, a ten minute free write. Good luck reading it. 🙂

He can’t say no.

And because this impacts me too, I would like to officially request that you only ask The Coach to help you move when the following is true…

You are completely packed and all you need is some labor assistance.

There…I said it!

My Sweet Husband will help you move if you ask him because he is that kind of guy. But problems arise when you send him home with stuff you (a) no longer need and feel someone should have or (b) don’t have the energy to pack it or even throw away. He will likely say okay to something. First, he will text me and ask if we need (insert miscellaneous item here). I respond with a yea or nay but he will still show up with some random item.

Now, don’t get me wrong we have obtained some awesome move related things like:

  • A brand new camcorder (courtesy of my Mother-in-Law)
  • A flat screen TV (I guess it does pay to be nice)
  • And my favorite, my writing chair in my office (Thank you, Neighborhood Mom!)

But oftentimes he comes home with gems like this (The Coach spent a good 2 hours reliving his childhood, fixing the tires, chain and seat. I wholeheartedly expected to find a card in the spoke):

Blog Photo

Pic 2

Quick note: Our daughter is three and while she is below the weight limits, she exceeds the head circumference restrictions. In other words, Georgia Peach has inherited her Mommy’s big ol head (sorry, Love) and I can not see over it! Besides, I look like I am riding a horse while riding this bike. Not cute or comfortable. Looking forward to him taking that weird seat thingy off!

That is all. 🙂